Thursday 6 May 2010


Infidelity has been defined as a violation of the mutually agreed upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship. To me all types of infidelity are wrong. wheather its just having a one night stand or having an emotional affair both are just as bad. As having an emotional affair involves emotions i wouldnt like the thought of my partner being emotionally closer to someone else neither do i like the thought of my partner physically cheating. Although i have never been cheated on myself so i could feel different if it had actually happened to me.

I think that if you dont want to be with someone you should just end the relationship rather than look for someone else and go behind your partners back as this would cause much more hurt. Also its not just your partner that you hurt but people around you like friends who may know that you are cheating but are promised not to tell but are then made to feel guilty.

When typing in infidelity in google you come across all sorts of websites telling you the signs for infidelity. http://

I also found some statistics on infidelity. Around 30% to 60% of married people in america will engage in infidelity. http://
I found this number quitte high although the true number of people engaging in infidelity cannot be known as infidelity involes lying so not that many people are likely to confess to this.

Wednesday 5 May 2010


personally I do not agree with abortion. Even though I do not want kids now or any time soon I know that if I was to get pregnant I would never be able to go through having an abortion. Although I do not agree with abortion I do understand that some people may find themselves pregnant and are not able to support a child either mentally or physically. Statistics from women residents in England and Wales 2008 say that some 195, 296 women had abortions compared with 198, 499 women in 2007. The standardised age for abortions in 2008 was 18.2. This shows that the amount of abortions has declined. /

The abortion act 1967 which covers England, Scotland and Wales (but not Ireland) says that abortions must be carried out in a hospital or specialised clinic and that two doctors must agree that the abortion would cause less harm to the person than carrying on with the pregnancy.

There are quite strong opinions on abortion particularly certain religions like catholic which say that abortion is wrong in all circumstances. However, I think that it depends on the circumstance as to weather abortion is bad behaviour. I think that abortion may be OK if the mothers life is at risk or that there is a strong chance that the child will have disabilities which would affect their quality of life. I think that it should be made for the person to decide. However, some people use abortion as a form of contraceptive I think this is definitely bad behaviour.

Friday 30 April 2010

Binge drinking

Binge drinking can be defined as drinking alcohol with the intention of being intoxicated by heavy consumption. I think every young person enjoys a nice glass of wine at weekends however i think that binge drinking is bad behaviour. Although i think it should be up to the person what they do to their body as everyone is aware of what binge drinking does to your health, i also think that binge drinking can lead to people putting themselves in venerable and dangerous situations. For example women may drink that much that they are not consciously aware of whats going on and may put them self in danger of being sexually assaulted. Binge drinking can also lead to people to get involved in crime as allot if people are violent when drunk and overreact to situations which wouldn't usually bother then if sober. In this sense isn't Binge drinking bad?

The health implications are evident. In 2008 9,031 people died in alcohol related deaths. http:// This shows that excessive amounts of alcohol is bad.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


is prostitutin bad? Personally i think prostitution is bad behaviour, i think it is the wrong way to earn a living there is no gain from it at all. Prostitution is defined as being the act or practice of being available for sex acts in return for payment. Under the sexual offences act 2003 it is illegal to cause or initiate prostitution or controll it for personal gain. The 1956 sexual offences act bans running a brothel and its illegal to loiter or ilicit sex on the street. Also kerb crawling is banned as this is seen to be an annoyance to residence. As of 2001 adverts in phone boxes are also banned. If prostitution is illegal doesnt that make it bad behaviour?http://

Prostitutioin places with it alot of risks not just for the person doing it but thge client as well, as STDs can be caught. Also the true risk of prostitution came to light after the ipswitch murders where 5 women who were prostitutes were murdered. http:// Prostitutes are also vunerable to assult and rape. Knowing all this why put your own saftey in the hands of a stranger? it just isnt worth it!

However, some people do really have no other option and do not have a choice but i think that there are other ways to earn money for people who are able to choose the risks are not worth it and it also looses your respect and dignity.

Monday 26 April 2010


swearing which is also known as a profanity is a word expression or gesture or other social behaviour which is socially constructed or interpreted as insulting rude or vulgar or showing disrespect. I think that swearing can be seen as bad behaviour in certain situations and acceptable in other situations. I think that for example if you were to drop something on the floor and smash it it may be acceptable to swear. However, i think it is bad behaviour to swear in front of grandparents or children as i would never dream of swearing in front of my younger brothers and sisters. I think it is also unacceptable to swear at work it is unprofessional and disrespectful. As i found on many articles on the web many people have been sacked for using bad language. http://

However swearing is seen as a sin so should all swear words in all situations be deemed bad?

Thursday 15 April 2010


masturbation is the non penetrative sexual stimulation of the genitals often to the point of orgasm. Masturbation is definitely not bad behaviour its healthy and a lot of us do it. Statistics show that 90% of males masturbate by the time they are 18 and 35-40% of females masturbate by the age of 18 although this continues to rise to 80% or more by the time women are in there 60s. I think that masturbation is fine as long as it is done in private.

Certain religions think that masturbation is bad. Catholic teachings say that masturbation is an unnatural act as it cannot lead to pregnancy. Catholic teachings also say that masturbation breeds lust and selfishness which takes you further from God. There are also myths about masturbation being bad for our health.

In the past masturbation was considered bad behaviour. In the Victorian era where people who indulged in the activity were deemed week minded and there were many readies made available for it. Little boys were made to wear pants so that they could not touch their genitals and girls were banned from riding horses or bikes as this was said to be too close to the masturbation. I think this is quite extreme for something that is normal and certainly not bad behaviour its interesting how our views on this have changed over time.

Nowadays masturbation is still taboo and a bit embaresing to talk about but is not really considered bad behaviour. In fact there is some research to suggest that masturbation is good for you as it is said to lower blood pressure.

Saturday 10 April 2010

body modification

body modification is where you derliberately alter the human body for non medical reasons. I think that in no way is body modification bad behaviour. As i have a tattoo and piercings myself i like tattoos and think that if someone wants them they should be able to they are not doing anyone any harm and alot of people have them because they want to express themselves and want to be different.

However body modification still remains contraversial. Some work places prohibit certain body modifications as Walt Disney staff were prohibited from having piercings at all. Also in some religions body modification is seen to be destructive to the body. The bible has been interpreted as body modifications to be bad as the body is seen to be gods.

There are dangers involved with body modification as using a dirty needle can mean that you can get hepatitus and HIV although there have been no documented cases of getting HIV through piercing since 2009. Also piercing of the tongue can be fatel. http://

I think that although there are risks to any body modification i think if people choose to have them then they should be able to. However i do think they should consider it thouroughly before having it done as it cannot be undone.

Monday 5 April 2010


Stealing is where we take something that we do not own or have not paid for. I think that all types of stealing is bad. The theft act 1963 says that someone is guilty of stealing if a person dishonestly gains property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. It is against the law to Steel so it must be bad. In the bible it also says thou shalt not steal as one of the 10 commandments. I think that all types of stealing are just as bad as each other. I think it is wrong to steal from a friend or someone you know as it hurts their feelings and involves dishonesty. I think shoplifting is also bad as i think if you cant afford something then you just don't have it simple.

However shoplifting is seen differently in different countries in France or Italy is seen as technical offence like driving through a red light committed by students and the poor. However, in other countries like Britain we see Shoplifting as a moral crime against society. Therefore maybe stealing is seen as more bad behaviour dependant as to your culture.

In 2005 the cost of shoplifting was £4.3 billion.http:// It is costing shops money to pay for extra security and replace the items stolen. I think that you wouldn't like something that you'd worked hard for to get stolen so why do it? There is no gain in it at all and if caught you could end up getting charged and sent to prison for 7 years and given a criminal record.

Thursday 1 April 2010

telling lies

lying is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement. I think that it depends on what your lying about weather its bad behaviour or not. I think that some little white lies are OK like we all tell children that Santa delivers our presents at Christmas and this makes Christmas magical for children and i know that my Christmases wouldn't have been the same without it. I also think that it is ok to lie when you are protecting someones feelings in certain situations however, telling one lie often leads to telling another lie to cover up the first lie.

I think that telling huge lies that do not protect someones feelings is bad behaviour for example cheating. I also think that no one likes to be lied to it hurts peoples feelings and once your found out to be lying you look stupid so whats the point?

It is also one of the 10 commandments "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" the bible also says that a lying tongue is an abomanation to God. http:// think some lying is bad behaviour but i think we have to lie sometimes for example lawyers often have to lie to a court that they think a person is innocent of a crime which they know they are guilty of.

Monday 29 March 2010

response to Emma's post on under-age sex

I disagree with Emma's opinion on under-age sex that it is OK if the person is in a loving relationship. I think that children under the age of 16 are not mature enough to have sex I think that children under this age are vulnerable and need to be protected and I think that sex under the age of 16 being illegal does this. I also disagree that the law on this is confusing everyone knows that having sex with a child under the age of 16 is illegal so if a boy of 16 is in a relationship with a 14 year old girl they should be aware that it is illegal for them to have sex. I think that this law is there to protect children's innocence and it would be wrong to alter this law to accommodate 16 year old children being in a relationship with 14 year old children. I definitely think under age sex is bad behaviour I think it is wrong as children are not mentally or physically prepared for sex in any way.

Sunday 21 March 2010

response to Amina's post on sun beds.
I found this post quite interesting that sun beds were first developed for a medical purpose. I disagree with Amina's opinion that sun beds are bad I don't see what harm they are doing to other people so I don't see what the problem is. People who have sunbeds are aware the dangers of it and that it can cause skin cancer and so people have the freedom to choose what they do to their bodies. Also I think that yes people don't think that they are going to get skin cancer but I think if we all walked around scared of what everything would do to us we would never do anything, life is too short and if we never took risks we would never have any fun. I like to have a tan and I think there's nothing wrong with using a sun bed to make you feel more confident.Here is a BBC report about the link between using sun beds and skin cancer.

Friday 19 March 2010

response to Amina's post on plastic surgery.

I disagree with Amina's opinion that plastic surgery is bad.I think plastic surgery may be good for people who have confidence issues for example someone may have been bullied that badly about the way they look that they may be depressed about it and this may affect their everyday life so by having plastic surgery they would also heal their body issues and this may change their life dramatically. I also think that people should be able to do whatever they want to their body its theirs to choose what to do with it. However, I do agree with Amina that some people do go too far with plastic surgery and cant just stop at one i think that there is nothing wrong with this although there carries risk with all operations having many of them done to you must put your body under strain.

I do agree that people should think carefully about plastic surgery although I don't think everyone who has plastic surgery just want to look like someone they admire I think it has a lot more to do with people not liking they way they look to the point that its affecting their lives and I don't think there's anything bad in having surgery to change the way they feel about themselves.Here is a report about Heidi Montage who has been been criticised recently for having plastic surgery.

Thursday 25 February 2010

Smoking is it really bad?

As a non smoker i think that some people may enjoy smoming like others enjoy reading a book. However i find it dissrespectful when people smoke in places that clearly have non smoking signs like bus stops where alot of people may be. Smokers will know that it affects there health however i do not want my health putting at risk by passive smoking. I think that the government stamping down on smoking in places is only a good thing. Smoking was first portrayed in films and television in a sexy way but now it is portrayed in a bad way and all the health risks are thrown at us. People are constantly put pressure on them to quit smoking but i think that it should be a choice after all we all know that it is bad for us but some people just simply enjoy to smoke if they choose to.