Thursday 1 April 2010

telling lies

lying is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement. I think that it depends on what your lying about weather its bad behaviour or not. I think that some little white lies are OK like we all tell children that Santa delivers our presents at Christmas and this makes Christmas magical for children and i know that my Christmases wouldn't have been the same without it. I also think that it is ok to lie when you are protecting someones feelings in certain situations however, telling one lie often leads to telling another lie to cover up the first lie.

I think that telling huge lies that do not protect someones feelings is bad behaviour for example cheating. I also think that no one likes to be lied to it hurts peoples feelings and once your found out to be lying you look stupid so whats the point?

It is also one of the 10 commandments "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" the bible also says that a lying tongue is an abomanation to God. http:// think some lying is bad behaviour but i think we have to lie sometimes for example lawyers often have to lie to a court that they think a person is innocent of a crime which they know they are guilty of.

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