Thursday 15 April 2010


masturbation is the non penetrative sexual stimulation of the genitals often to the point of orgasm. Masturbation is definitely not bad behaviour its healthy and a lot of us do it. Statistics show that 90% of males masturbate by the time they are 18 and 35-40% of females masturbate by the age of 18 although this continues to rise to 80% or more by the time women are in there 60s. I think that masturbation is fine as long as it is done in private.

Certain religions think that masturbation is bad. Catholic teachings say that masturbation is an unnatural act as it cannot lead to pregnancy. Catholic teachings also say that masturbation breeds lust and selfishness which takes you further from God. There are also myths about masturbation being bad for our health.

In the past masturbation was considered bad behaviour. In the Victorian era where people who indulged in the activity were deemed week minded and there were many readies made available for it. Little boys were made to wear pants so that they could not touch their genitals and girls were banned from riding horses or bikes as this was said to be too close to the masturbation. I think this is quite extreme for something that is normal and certainly not bad behaviour its interesting how our views on this have changed over time.

Nowadays masturbation is still taboo and a bit embaresing to talk about but is not really considered bad behaviour. In fact there is some research to suggest that masturbation is good for you as it is said to lower blood pressure.

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