Saturday 10 April 2010

body modification

body modification is where you derliberately alter the human body for non medical reasons. I think that in no way is body modification bad behaviour. As i have a tattoo and piercings myself i like tattoos and think that if someone wants them they should be able to they are not doing anyone any harm and alot of people have them because they want to express themselves and want to be different.

However body modification still remains contraversial. Some work places prohibit certain body modifications as Walt Disney staff were prohibited from having piercings at all. Also in some religions body modification is seen to be destructive to the body. The bible has been interpreted as body modifications to be bad as the body is seen to be gods.

There are dangers involved with body modification as using a dirty needle can mean that you can get hepatitus and HIV although there have been no documented cases of getting HIV through piercing since 2009. Also piercing of the tongue can be fatel. http://

I think that although there are risks to any body modification i think if people choose to have them then they should be able to. However i do think they should consider it thouroughly before having it done as it cannot be undone.

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