Thursday 6 May 2010


Infidelity has been defined as a violation of the mutually agreed upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship. To me all types of infidelity are wrong. wheather its just having a one night stand or having an emotional affair both are just as bad. As having an emotional affair involves emotions i wouldnt like the thought of my partner being emotionally closer to someone else neither do i like the thought of my partner physically cheating. Although i have never been cheated on myself so i could feel different if it had actually happened to me.

I think that if you dont want to be with someone you should just end the relationship rather than look for someone else and go behind your partners back as this would cause much more hurt. Also its not just your partner that you hurt but people around you like friends who may know that you are cheating but are promised not to tell but are then made to feel guilty.

When typing in infidelity in google you come across all sorts of websites telling you the signs for infidelity. http://

I also found some statistics on infidelity. Around 30% to 60% of married people in america will engage in infidelity. http://
I found this number quitte high although the true number of people engaging in infidelity cannot be known as infidelity involes lying so not that many people are likely to confess to this.

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