Friday 19 March 2010

response to Amina's post on plastic surgery.

I disagree with Amina's opinion that plastic surgery is bad.I think plastic surgery may be good for people who have confidence issues for example someone may have been bullied that badly about the way they look that they may be depressed about it and this may affect their everyday life so by having plastic surgery they would also heal their body issues and this may change their life dramatically. I also think that people should be able to do whatever they want to their body its theirs to choose what to do with it. However, I do agree with Amina that some people do go too far with plastic surgery and cant just stop at one i think that there is nothing wrong with this although there carries risk with all operations having many of them done to you must put your body under strain.

I do agree that people should think carefully about plastic surgery although I don't think everyone who has plastic surgery just want to look like someone they admire I think it has a lot more to do with people not liking they way they look to the point that its affecting their lives and I don't think there's anything bad in having surgery to change the way they feel about themselves.Here is a report about Heidi Montage who has been been criticised recently for having plastic surgery.

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